Give up your heart left broken
And let that mistake pass on
Cause the love that you lost
Wasn't worth what it cost
And in time you'll be glad it's gone
Note to self: must learn how to play this on the piano / must karaoke this.
Tonight, before I go to sleep, I pray for my country.I pray that tolerance will reign over bigotry. I pray that moderation will reign over extremism. I pray that love will reign over hatred. I pray for the unity of this nation. I pray for a better Malaysia. God bless Malaysia.
- Yeo Bee Yin
"Hawa dijadikan dari rusuk Adam
dan bukan dari kepalanya untuk dijunjung,
bukan pula dari kakinya untuk dijadikan pengalas
tetapi adalah dari sisinya untuk dijadikan teman hidup,
dekat dengan lenganya untuk dilindungi,
dan dekat dengan hatinya untuk dicintai."
"Eve was made of a rib out of the side of Adam;
not made out of his head to rule over him,
nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him,
but out of his side to be equal with him,
under his arm to be protected,
and near his heart to be beloved."