Tuesday, November 2, 2010


remember something i said about free tickets?

well, here they are:

ray got them on they way to pick me up from school 2 weeks ago on the 2nd last day of my intern. he was stuck in the jam, got bored, sms-ed and actually won them :D

the surprise was they gave us 4 passes instead of 2 (how generous of hitz.fm) and the movie was going to start in in less than 20 minutes. the guys were having their exams tmr and wanted to study, plus i doubt that they could make it on time. so we just walked around and gave it to a random couple who were queuing up at the ticketing counter (how generous of us), and of course, they grabbed it immediately. free movie passes, who don't want woh? plus its a premiere screening, the movie not out yet woh, 3D summore woh. haha.

come to think of it, four free 3D passes, worth about rm 72. spread the generosity. and the movie was great. fresh storyline, humour, you name it. totally enjoyed it.

thank you-s to all who made it possible!

ps:/ do watch Megamind, it's out on the 4th Nov :)



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