Saturday, January 7, 2012

His Obsession

just reached home after having dinner with daddy and kor one day... and i asked daddy for his razor / shaver as Ray promised to let me cut his hair. so he went digging under his bed and we found the bag of stuff with the cloth, clips, scissors and razor which he and mum used to cut our hair when we were kids.

well, we also found this:

daddy's Olympus OM-10

dad posing with his beloved.

dad was so happy to see this.

and i had to shoot it!

his name inscribbed on it

side view

the film compartment

we dont see this anymore

showed me how to detach the lense

35mm kit lense

screwdriver needed

battery compartment

body and lense both made in Japan

too bad it doesn't work anymore :/ some one spoilt it and it never got fixed again. sad right?


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