Friday, March 5, 2010


people create problems. the worse thing is, that you'd have to face these people everyday.

I dont normally curse and swear, i might say that i have rather good control over my temper and have the ability to tolerate and swallow it down.

shitty stuffs happen anywhere and everywhere. I just let it go, laugh it off and hope for the better.

this time, it's too much. again and again. over and over. getting worse each time. and i feel so dumb. it's just plain dumb being nice to people.

it totally sucks having sucky housemates. honestly. brainless bitches and bastards. damned good at complaining about others, duh... but doing the exact same thing. just like licking their own spit. ludah, pastu jilat balik.


this is for you.

don't forget to read between the lines.

1 comment:

  1. i like the pic heheh....
    ya stupid people is everywhere...
    depend on us how we deal with them...
    i know u r much much more clever that them...
