Monday, July 11, 2011

A Reminder :

posting this here to remind me that a lot of Malaysian out there have not given up though they know how shitty the situation in. the spirit has not died. despite how dark the politics have been, the fire still burns within, all sharing a same hope, that things would change for the better.

the different races used to hate each other all the time, they couldn't see eye to eye, condemned each other, called each other despicable names, and of course had totally different views. but now, they have realised that they do not have to make enemies out of each other, have started accepting each others' views and have fought side by side for something they all believed in.

i'm so proud and happy that henny and i actually shared the same view. (i'm sorry, but i had always associated malays with the government and dirty politics.) that was before! now i know. in reality, not all of them are like that. i'm so glad that we became friends. here you have it, 2 buddies from different races and religions, believing in the same thing. read her thoughts here.


1 comment:

  1. proud of u too..the four of us actually share the same view..we are free to talk about any topic including belief..that what makes us closer..<3
