Sunday, December 8, 2013

Meroyan Sakan

Phian had just come out of a screaming match with his other half, Zue was trying to put aside her frustration, and I was lost in my own confusing thoughts. How much more depressing can it get? Well, I shouldn't have asked that question. Almost all the other drivers on the road were driving like real idiots, like their grandfather owned the road and pissed us all off. The jam worsen and we got stuck in traffic and it wasn't even peak hour yet. Even the weather thought to contribute to the gloominess and desolation we were all feeling. The skies were all grey and heavy and flashes of lighting closed in, adding to the already dramatic atmosphere.

In a situation like this, Phian popped a super random question:

What do you guys think about love?
What is love to you?

The first thing I said was: "Love sucks."

Honestly, at that time, it was what I felt.

Me being in the moment with so many other things already screwing with my head started blabbing like a crazy person. And guess what? My two besties, as crazy as I am, who totally get me, who were in the moment as well joined in and yeah, we just went on and on and on about what love is like we were experts.

Love is.... (according to AJ, Phian, and Zue)

Love is poison.
Love is complicated.
Love is pain.
Love is agony.
Love is fake.
Love is hell.
Love is hypocrisy.
Love is selfish.
Love is frail.
Love is fragile.
Love is tiring.
Love is sacrificing.
Love is depressing.
Love is enduring.
Love is disappointing.
Love is jumping off a cliff.
Love is getting lost in a dark tunnel.
Love is pretending that you care.
Love is giving up yourself.
Love is killing yourself with a knife.
Love is losing a part of your self that you are never going to get back.
Love is like being ambushed by hurricanes and tsunamis.
Love is doing what you are told.
Love is having to tolerate crap.
Love is fighting to stay sane.

And the list of negativity went on and on. You must be thinking what sick people we must be. Without the ability to see and feel the beauty and wonder of such a deep feeling. What more, this list has already been shortened and filtered, with all the cursing and swearing already censored and rephrased. Dramatic and meroyan to the max.

We have loved before. We know how good it can feel. Despite the "high" we get from this complicated feeling of love, it is undeniable that love also encompasses all the negative elements as mentioned above. Tell me you haven't felt it before.

So what do you think about love?
What does love mean to you?



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